Awakening Women’s Potential Luncheon hosted and produced by Soroptimist International Los Gatos-Saratoga, is this week on October 7th 2011, from 11:30am to 1:30pm.
This event is held to share information about resources for women and girls in the Bay Area with the public. It’s third one that this local Soroptimist club has hosted and last years event had well over one hundred attendees.
There will be time to network with others at the start, to walk around the twenty plus booths of local non-profits and to hear some great information. Later, during lunch, the Honorable Catherine A. Gallagher (Ret.) and Angel Rampy the key not speakers with be talking sharing their knowledge with us. (Read on, below, about both of the dynamic women below).
Soroptimist International is an organization of dedicated business professional women who work to improve the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world. Soroptimist gives women the ability to take control over their lives, pursue their own goals and live according to their own values. Soroptimist has over 95,000 members in 120 countries and territories. Soroptimist is a 501c3 organization and you can read more here: http://www.soroptimist.org
For the local club meeting times and information, please click here: Soroptimist International Los Gatos-Saratoga.
Tickets are $35.00 per person, please RSVP is by October 5, 2011, as there will be NO WALK-INS (Villa Ragus will need to pre-order the food, so that’s why there is no walk-ints).
You can conveniently order a ticket online to reserve your space at the fabulous event at: http://awakeningwomens2011.eventbrite.com
Checks can also be made payable to SI of Los Gatos-Saratoga P.O. Box 111538, Campbell, CA 95011-1538, but they must be in to the club by the 5th. Again, NO walk-ins the day of the event. If you can not make it but would like to make donation you can mail checks to the above address.
More on the Speakers:
Catherine served 25 years as a Superior Court judge of the Santa Clara County Superior Court. Catherine is known for her wealth of experience in dispute resolution
as a mediator, arbitrator, Judge Pro Tem, discovery master, and neutral evaluator.
She is currently a member of JAMS, “the resolution experts” that is the nation’s largest private provider of mediation and arbitration services.
Angel has more than fifteen years’ experience coaching, training and mentoring professionals. Her experience in working in countries around the world and command
of several languages makes her a valuable coach with keen insight into cultural issues and assumptions. Angel also works with nonprofits like Springfield Forward, Habitat for Humanity and Year Up where she coaches low wage earners to assist them in establishing their careers paths and goals and intense business training to get ready
for internships.
Questions about the event, or further information Soroptimist International please contact, BJ Tucker 408-249-5300. For the press, please contact Heather Durham, Hdurham@thedurhamgroup.net, 408-971-7558.
More on Soroptimist as a local club
The Los Gatos-Saratoga Club holds two annual events every year, this event, the Awakening Women’s Potential and a Tea N’ Pearls in May. The Tean N’ Pearls is the only fundraising event that the club does.
The projects the local club works on are:
Women’s Opportunity Award (WOA) that is an award not a scholarship for women who are heads of the household and are going to school. It is meant to help these women achieve a greater educational level and goals that will eventually help them economically to provide for their children. The award varies, depending on the fudraising efforts of the club, but usually is between $1500.00 and $1000.00. It is an award, so they can use it for daycare, school supplies, transportation, medical needs, baby supplies or whatever they need to achieve their scholastic goals. Currently the club is taking applications for the 2011-2012 awards. Have your college advisor contact us for more information on WOA today! Click on our Website to read more. https://sites.google.com/site/soroptimistlosgatossaratoga/projects/woman-s-opportunity-award
Violet Richardson award is for girls in high school that are doing outstanding community work. Some of the past winners have volunteered weekly at local senior centers, shelters, hospitals and more. Check out our Website for more information or contact us today!
Other local projects are House on the Hill, Career Closet, GED programs that help women get their high school diplomas, and more. It is also note worthy that the Bay Area has a deep history with the UN and one of the reasons the UN was able to survive in the 1930’s was because of some strong-visionary Soroptimist women.
Learn more about Soroptimist International by attending this or other events!
Event Date/time: October 7th 2011 @ 11:30am
Event Place: Villa Ragusa, 35 South Second St, Campbell, CA
Hosts: www.Soroptimist.org
Club President: BJ Tucker 408-249-5300.
Press: Heather Durham, Hdurham@thedurhamgroup.net
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