Tonight I'm heading to Green Drinks Silicon Valley. There is a new gal running this one and her name is Suzanne Hibbs. She is very enthusiastic about getting Green Drinks numbers up from where it stands. Last month she said that about 50 people showed up and she is hoping that this keeps increasing. She asked if I would do a few minutes on Green events in the area, or on my TV Cable show that I started about a year ago, (of course that show is called Silicon Valley -Technology, Art, Green and Sustainability (SVTAGS).
In my past experience with the local Green Drinks only a hand full of people showed up. However other areas have any where from 40 to a 200 people show up. Since Green Jobs, Green Economy, Sustainability and related topics are so hot right now- it makes sense that people would want to gather and share information here. Since we are so used to sharing information through technology. Maybe this is why the numbers in the past have bee low, because we like to sit at our computers and talk to others, not really get out and share our research... I think that it's not that really, so we will see what the turn out is like and I hope folks will come, share their thoughts, perspectives on this new green economy and the boom that feels like it's just ahead!
A verde cheers to all!